RUPS BASIC COURSE MANUAL: Introduction to Conflict Resolution

This manual includes all the course handouts we use in training community mediators.  It includes the skills of "I Messages," Affirmation, Open Questions, Caution Words, Reflective Listening, Brainstorming and Problem Solving, as well as the procedures for the mediation process.  Individuals are welcome to study our materials.  Groups or organizations may use these materials by permission and after paying a per semester use fee.  Click the link to download.



This video series was made as instructional tools for our basic course.  It stars several of our RUPS trainers.  See the Introduction and three main steps in the mediation process.

MEDIATION: Introduction   In the Introduction, we introduce the mediators to the conflict parties, as well as explain and get  agreement on the ground rules for mediation.

MEDIATION: PHASE I, Storytelling  In this first phase of the Student vs. Teacher mediation, the Teacher complains that the Student stole his mobile phone, while the Student insists he took it for safekeeping. The Mediators take notes, paraphrase the stories of the teacher and student, and ask open questions to elicit all the issues in the conflict.

MEDIATION: PHASE II, Understanding

In this second phase of the Student vs. Teachers mediation, the Student explains he only took the teacher's phone for safekeeping, but when he got home, his landlord confiscated the phone, as the Student owes him back rent.  Is this something the Teacher can understand? 


In this third phase of the Student vs. Teacher mediation, can they come up with solutions to their issues?  The mediators help them brainstorm possible solutions.  Will they be able to resolve their differences?

Fair Use:  These short videos are licensed under Creative Commons.  We accept them to be used for instructional purposes.  If you want to show it to a group for any other purposes, please contact us for permission,